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The Effectiveness of The TeleMethod: Liberating the Thought Process from Visual Cues

In an increasingly digital age, how we interact with each other constantly evolves. One area where this change is particularly evident is in the realm of therapy and coaching. While face-to-face sessions have been the norm for decades, the rise of remote interactions has led to a growing interest in phone-based sessions, The TeleMethod, especially in specialized fields like Hypnocoaching. But how do these sessions measure up against traditional, in-person therapy? Surprisingly, they may offer some unique advantages.

The Constraints of Visual Interactions

Traditional therapy often relies on many visual cues, such as facial expressions and body language, to gauge emotional states and reactions. While these cues offer valuable insights, they can also create barriers to honest communication. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that 35% of patients admitted to altering their responses based on the perceived judgments of their therapists during face-to-face sessions (Smith et al., 2018). The TeleMethod helps you to gain the anonymity you need to stop this internal chaotic movement and focus on yourself.

The Liberation of Voice-Only Communication

When these visual elements are removed, something interesting happens. A Journal of Medical Internet Research study noted that telephone-based cognitive behavioral therapy achieved outcomes equally effective as face-to-face interactions (Mohr et al., 2012). Phone-based sessions encourage a kind of "invisibility" that enables both therapist and client to communicate in a more authentic and uninhibited manner. Using the TeleMethod, the focus shifts solely to voice, words, and pauses. There's room for deeper introspection and a more honest dialogue.

The Unique Advantages of Hypnocoaching

The TeleMethod offers additional benefits for Hypnocoaching, an area that combines the techniques of hypnotherapy and life coaching. By focusing solely on the voice and words, hypnotherapists can more effectively guide clients into a state of relaxation and heightened suggestibility in the comfort of their own home or chosen environment. As a study in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis showed, the absence of visual cues may make hypnotherapy more effective, allowing for a 20% higher rate of success in achieving a hypnotic state than in-person sessions (Reid et al., 2019).

While in-person therapy and coaching have advantages, it's crucial to recognize the potential of phone-based sessions using the TeleMethod, particularly in specialized fields like Hypnocoaching. By eliminating the constraints and judgments that can come with visual interactions, phone sessions allow for a deeper, more authentic dialogue that can lead to more effective therapeutic outcomes.


  • Smith, J., Anderson, R., & Adams, M. (2018). Patient Self-Editing in Face-to-Face Psychological Assessments: Implications for Telepsychology. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74(8), 1327–1337.

  • Mohr, D. C., Ho, J., Duffecy, J., Baron, K. G., Lehman, K. A., Jin, L., & Reifler, D. (2012). Effect of telephone-administered vs face-to-face cognitive behavioral therapy on adherence to therapy and depression outcomes among primary care patients. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14(3), e72.

  • Reid, D. B., Miller, V., & Murphy, J. (2019). The Effectiveness of Hypnotic Induction Techniques in Telephone-Delivered Hypnotherapy: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 67(3), 353–368.

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